A Room Full of Nightmares
When I walk into this room,
I say "this room" because, all of them are the same,
Twitching eyes, judging smiles, wondering what's this mother got to hide,
I am a Mona Lisa, my face tells a million stories, which I protect with my smile,
I feel the people have a mood, my prey, their reflections are my daily life...
Somedays I'm oozing drowsiness, other days I fall in love with loneliness,
Somedays I'm dripping with happiness, other days I'm caged up with sadness,
Some nights I'm wiped out, then I sleep my days away,
Some nights I'm an insomniac, I find it hard for people to relate.
Uncontrollable weight loss was a reality,
Feeling these emotions is so exhausting,
Yet here I stand,
A strong, beautiful woman,
Accept me,
Don't accept me,
The thing is...
My heart may break more times than the average person,
Tears may fall heavier than some,
I feel that I'm too soft at times,
But I'm still here being kind!
I'm not a disorder,
I'm not a problem,
With my depression, comes life lessons,
I'm still breathing, for this is a blessing,
A room can be clouded with the darkest people,
A room can be filled with medicated feelings,
This room today is happy, tomorrow it could be crowded by demons,
This room today I'm happy, tomorrow It could be a nightmare,
At the minute I have no filter, this might be a reason I don't really care,
I care about me,
That's not being selfish,
I just care about my well-being.
When I walk into a room, I know now, they're all not the same,
Every room has a door, I can choose to walk out and feel no more pain,
The nightmare isn't real,
I'm real!
I'm beautiful,
I'm strong,
I'm just being me...