A River Has Many Crossings…
To gaze upon the distant bank,
Insecure in self belief,
Inevitable failure, the familiar cry,
For the river appears too deep,
Beyond all reach, as boats are few,
All of which are taken,
To kneel in self-disbelief, the crossing is abandoned,
Settled ways confirming fears, may lead to contradiction,
That doubt resides, to save ourselves from falsified conviction,
Years may pass, upon this notion,
that boats be the only carriage,
Blinkered eyes do not possess,
belief in all that's certain,
The boat need not bear all weight,
of souls that seek to cross,
For many ways to which this path,
be taken without obstruction,
Imagination clarifies, they who seek will find,
Salvation does not lie, in they who seek to sail,
For the ease in which a path is taken, changes destination,
For the soul that gazes on the bank, tall & resolute,
Does not fear the journey path, for the journey is the test.
They who fear yet dare to venture,
A voyage individual
Do not resent or compare the journey,
Of those who choose queue,
With strength of mind in self belief,
Clear & resolute, upon this notion fear embraced,
That a river has many crossings…